Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wild Wednesday

This week is going to be the start of Wild Wednesdays. It will be based on some random fact I found interesting that some people may have no idea is true. Today my focus will be on a tree I never even knew existed until just a couple years ago. Its genus species name is Ailanthus alitissima, any guesses on what it is? Its' common name is the tree of heaven. Here is a picture of the leaves and twig which has some pretty neat properties.
The interesting part of this tree doesn't come on where its from or how it grows necessarily but of what you can do when you find one. The tree is a highly invasive species and can grow just about anywhere in the midwest, so they really aren't too hard to find. When and if you can find one break off a twig or rip off a hand full of leaves and either scratch off some of the bark or crush up the leaves in your hand and it will smell exactly like you are holding a handful of peanut butter.

I found another blog worth checking out based on wildlife around us, you can find it at

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Post of the Day

The white-tailed deer isn't as rare of a sighting here in northwest Indiana as some people from other areas may believe. Especially if you live in a rural environment they can be more of a hassle than a thing of beauty. Everyone has heard of the deer in headlights but that is not the only issue they cause out in the country. If you have a garden in your yard just like plenty of other woodland animals they will eat their choice of your vegetables and most of the time you won't notice until it is too late.

I personally connect with these creatures for all of the reasons above. Living in a rural area with fields on all sides of my house and a pond pulls them towards our house very quickly. Another reason I didn't mention is hunting. Hunting is a huge part of many people's lives around me and I grew up with a family of hunters. Every male and some females in my family growing up couldn't wait for hunting season to come every year and it became a tradition for them to all get together multiple times a year and go in the woods during dawn and dusk while reminiscing on stories in between.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Introduction and the Common Raccoon

I have always been fond of animals whether it be pets or wildlife. I grew up watching specials and documentaries on animals for most of my childhood. Some animals who are sometimes not liked by many people can still have admirable traits. There are plenty of creatures that are a problem when it comes to say cleanliness but that doesn't mean they aren't smart. 

The common raccoon is widely considered a pest in many parts of the mid-west. They tend to leave a mess wherever they go, and can injure family pets if they are left unwatched. But this is only one side of the animal in the spotlight. Raccoons are highly clever animals when it comes to their senses. Their sense of touch allows them to have great skill opening containers and if they need to even locks. Most of the time when people notice it is because the raccoon in question has found a way to open the garbage can. With this being said raccoons will eat just about anything.